hello, moron
The Clockday preloader is for goddamn CLOCKDAY, and last time I checked that's not for another month.
hello, moron
The Clockday preloader is for goddamn CLOCKDAY, and last time I checked that's not for another month.
A benign attack of sound and fury
Holy God, I don't know whether or not there's something of a story behind what I just saw, but it certainly was amazing.
Thanks man!
There was a sort of story behind it. A sort of psychological one. It's supposed to resemble the structure of a dream - how you can go from scene to scene in a dream, with a continuous theme but no continuous plot.
hot shit my man
Voice acting and jokes were a little cheesy, but it's not like anybody's ever done this before, cool job.
hot schtuff
Great dialogue. Smooth graphics. Funny. A fine effort... for a Lock.
I foresee a movie with Locks and Clocks parodizing the story of Rosa Parks. "I'm not movin'" lol
seriously shine my shoes and lay off the watermelon kthx
I'm kidding of course, it's getting late up here and I'm hot and lonely
I mean that literally, it's warm, nothing sexual or anything
Unless you want it to be
You don't want it to be, do you
Sorry. Sorry for everything.
XD Roffel. You'd have to get past Winchester first. =D But hey, thanks for the awesome review. <3 Happy Lock Day
An astonishing cinematic masterpiece
TurdClock takes you on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. The spectacular animation, special effects and exciting story remind me of such Clock classics as Fourchinnigan's "How Crow Clock stole Christmas", but what did those movies lack? The Pube Muppit, as a hero!
The dialogue is hilarious, I'll be quoting these for some time. Totally worth the wait!
hahah yeah I had to give Pube Muppet a worthy role, for he is so damn secksay... Anyway thanks alot for all your support man and I'm waiting for more movies from you.
oh shit, beautiful.
This was entertaining all the way through, fantastic job guys. <3 <3 <3
StrawberryClock is the king of the Portal.
Age 42, Male
Joined on 6/30/02